Finalize creation of a machine version migration.

PUT /machines/{machineSlug}/migrations/{signedMachineVersionMigrationId}

After retrieving the machineVersionMigrationId and code upload instructions from POST /machines/:machineSlug/migrations, and after uploading the code as described, call this operation to finalize the creation of the machine version migration.

After this operation, you can upgrade existing machine instances using this migration.

Path parameters

  • machineSlug string Required

    The slug/name for the machine definition this version is related to.

    Minimum length is 1. Format should match the following pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,128}$.

  • The signed machine version id returned from POST /machines/:machineSlug/v.


Finalize creation of a machine version migration.

object object


  • The version was created.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
PUT /machines/{machineSlug}/migrations/{signedMachineVersionMigrationId}
curl \
 -X PUT{signedMachineVersionMigrationId} \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Request example
Request examples
Response examples (200)
  "machineVersionId": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "machineVersionId": "string"